Ken, who lives and breathes bees and honey has spent his life working with bees & after almost 40 years of working as an apiarist his ultimate dream became a reality; A house of honey where people can come and taste a large variety of honeys produced in South Eastern New South Wales.
“I work bees in my backyard, but my backyard is a little bit different to most people’s idea of one, I cover an area from Mallacoota in the South, to Nowra along the Coast, inland to Hill End, over to Aleck town and out to Roto, then down to Corowa, across to Omeo and back to Mallacoota – everywhere inside this area is my backyard.
In my travels over the years I have experienced some of Australia’s wonderful wildlife from Bandicoots and spotted quoll to having lunch watching pure Dingoes play and Australia’s beautiful wedgetail eagle soar through the skies.
From high in the mountains having brumbies and wild pigs running around while I’m working the bees, to laying in my swag in the early light of morning watching the adult birds coming and going from their hollows high in the treetops or while watching trouts swimming in the clear waters of the mountain streams of the Maragle State Forest.”
Ken’s interest was sparked by the unusual flavours of different honeys and his desire to share them with others. To teach people that honeys don’t all taste like the “honey” you buy at the supermarket. Every honey has its own characteristics and flavour, based on the habitat it comes from and the plants the bees feed on. Ken’s aim is to teach people about how important bees are for us the people and the environment that we have created while sharing the beautiful honeys they produce.
Visit there Facebook or Instagram pages to shop online or phone (02) 6386 5325.