Located one hour north east of Boorowa and 40 minutes from Cowra
Reids Flat sits on the banks of the Lachlan River. Legend has it that local butcher William Fogg and notorious bushranger Frank Gardiner fought a gun battle here with the police. Remains of the site can still be seen today.

Reids Flat has a bushranging past. There was a famous shoot-out at William Fogg's property where 'Darkie' Gardiner was hiding in a shanty. Prior to the afray, Fogg's wife used blankets to signal to the fugitive - white for 'all clear' red for 'police'. On July 16, 1861 the police descended, the fight was intense with bullets flying. Gardiner escaped badly wounded but fogg was arrested for harbouring a criminal - later these charges were withdrawn. The remains of the Shanty where the fight occured are still visible.
A more recent and law-abiding claim to fame is the annual gymkhana and rodeo on the first Saturday of November which attracts visitors and competitors from across the state and even further afield.